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Workers' Compensation

Covering Contractors and Hundreds of Other Classes

Workers' Compensation coverage is mandatory in most states protecting employers from costs related to injury to their employees while at work, including strains, trip and falls or even accidental death. It provides coverage for all state required benefits including necessary medical treatments and lost wages but is not intended to cover sub-contractors.

Typically, the cost of the coverage pays for itself in the event an employee suffers an on-the-job injury because without it, your client could wind up having to pay out-of-pocket for injury-related expenses. Businesses who aren’t covered may be subject to state penalties and fines even if no claim is ever filed against the policy. 

Targeted Classes


• Healthcare

• Manufacturing


Auto Dealers

• Retail

• Distribution

Program Details

• Underwriters include an A.M. Best “A++“ rated admitted carrier

• Unique market relationships

• Minimum premium $40K

• No maximum premium

• No XMOD restrictions


Having trouble finding coverage for a specific class?

Give us a call and we'll review your risk. With over a decade of experience writing this state-regulated coverage, we can simplify the process. We're happy to give you helpful feedback—even if we can't cover your client.

Program available to retail agents in all states except ND, OH, WA, and WY at this time.

Need a Quote?

As a GMI Appointed Agent, you can submit quote requests to your GMI Rep or one of the contacts listed below and your files will be reviewed within 24 hours.

To become an Appointed Agency / Agent, please fill out and return our agreement, and provide your agency’s insurance license(s), E&O and W-9 along with your quote submission.

Required forms and information:

Program Contacts

Shawn-Michael Hall Sr.
Chief Operating Officer

Andrew Farmer
Business Development

Aaron Vaughan
Business Development

For a complete list of staff and their contact information, click here.


“You all are seriously the best =)
I want to thank you for handling this so quickly for us. You were all very quick and efficient.”

Alyssa G.
Florida Agent

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